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Flute help???

i have played flute for 9+ years and piccolo for 3 years. i am taking it to college and need a new professional flute with all the trill keys, b foot, open hole, silver,ect. can anyone give me any suggestions on what brand i should invest in with all the options i need?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I think you should

a) ask your flute teacher or band director

b) ask professional musicians you know whose sound you admire (or look them up on the internet)

c) call the music department at the college and see if they have someone who could give you a recommendation

d) take your regular flute with you to college.. the one you already know and are used to. You maybe could get there and see what they recommend and who has what and how it works

e) I love Gemeinhardts... but that is just me. My friend loves Yamahas. :)