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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Can't find this artist from Classic Arts showcase? Guitar duet, linda something.


Can't find this artist from Classic Arts showcase? Guitar duet, linda something...?

I was watching Classic Arts Showcase a few nights ago and saw music I really wanted to get. It was a guitar duet between Linde, I think it was boyd, or something like that. The other guitarist was male but I can't remember his name. The video clip was almost entirely them sitting face to face on the steps of some old building, playing a rapid duet called carnivale, or something like that, from a suite which I beleive they wrote, or arranged. Can anyone help me find this recording, or who the artist is?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Her name is Liona Boyd, and there is a website for Classic Arts Showcase where you can ask them this question; or keep watching it all month as it will come on again.