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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Where can I find a Comedian in RI who would teach me how to be a Stage Comedian?


Where can I find a Comedian in RI who would teach me how to be a Stage Comedian?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You probably will never find a comedian who offers lessons like that. Your best bet is to find a local comedy club that offers open mic nights, & start hanging out there, & buy a drink or two for some of the comics between their sets, & pick their brains. Learn how to develop your own material. Watch how they make their presentations, & some of the other techniques.
Another way is to join up with an amateur theatre group. There you will learn stage presence, timing as well as standard acting techniques.

The best way to become a true stand-up comic is to get on stage, & start telling jokes. You'll stink at 1st, I can guarantee it. But the only thing that makes the difference between a success & a failure in any entertainment genre is the sucesses keep coming back for more until they get it right.

Break a leg!