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What can i do to help calm my nerves before i play at a concert?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Did you know that the great pianist, Horowitz once had to be pushed (slightly) onto the stage of the Carnegie Hall?

Even for some of the greatest pianists, nerves never go away. As my piano professor tells me every time I perform in a recital, "accept the fact that you might/will make mistakes." A performer should mentally accept his/her mistakes; accept anxiety, and then do whatever you need to do to TRY to relax. That might involve some deep breathing, or like Glenn Gould, warm up your hands in hot water, do a little jump, walk around, stretch, take your friends to the backstage, joke and laugh... etc.

Believe me, performing will become easier and easier each time. Find every chance to perform in front of people, practice concentration by playing in noise places, see the big picture, don't get frustrated by wrong notes. Again, mostly importantly, your brain needs to accept mistakes. Finally, my professor would say (not joking): "Sh*t happens".

Good luck!