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Bassoon Solos?

I am looking to buy E. Bordeau's Premier Bassoon solo, Von Webers bassoon solo, Mozarts B flat, and any other notable bassoon solos. I am preparing for auditions!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Undergraduate: Teleman Sonata in f minor; Vivaldi in a minor or in F Major; Hindemith Sonata; Mozart Concerto, von Weber Concerto

Graduate: Mozart Concerto; von Weber "Andante and Hungarian Rondo"; Saint-Saens Sonata (very pretty); Villa Lobos "Ciranda das Siete Notas"; Vivaldi in e minor

The Bordeau is a good pick. Focus on the first mvt. of the Mozart, and be careful which edition you get; International is fine, but try to find the G㼥tter edition. You should ask about presenting orchestral excerpts. Your teacher should be able to suggest some good ones to start with.