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Can guitar callouses interfere with playing the violin?

i played guitar for about 10 years - was never any good - dropped it for about 3 years - and took up violin / fiddle - ive played violin for about a year now - i recently started messing with guitar again and redeveloped my callouses - it almost seems that my violin playing has suffered due to this - is that possible ? does the lack of finer senses on my fingertips make it harder ? or am i just going through another phase with the violin where im gonna suck for a while and then get better again (its a fickle instrument) - please experienced players only

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: nope!
I actually have calluses due to violin, and it doesn't affect my intonation. You're probably just getting used to the spacing of fingers on your guitar, and need to re-adjust to the sensitivity of intonation on a violin.