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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Im going to do a magic show shortly in school any pointers??


Im going to do a magic show shortly in school any pointers??

Okk i know all the tricks im goin to do, iv been practing for months. anything i should know before i do this?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I won't try to tell you how to do any tricks. That you should already know if you're going to do a show. But above all else, believe in what you're doing. Believe it's magic, and that attitude will rub off on the audience. Don't just go through the routine like a monologue. Convince yourself that what you're doing is really happening, and you'll have them convinced. Don't ever tell yourself onstage, "Oh, I did that wrong. Let me try it again..." But at the same time, don't fake surprise when the magic does happen. Exageratted surprise can be worse than a ho-hum attitude. YOU know it works, and you're pleased that they see it happen too. Break a leg, and be sure the rabbit's ears aren't sticking out!