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Two questions about trumpet range and increasing volume?

I just started playing the trumpet a few months ago and right now I can't play very loudly. My fortissimo sounds like a mezzo piano and my forte fortissimo sounds like a mezzo Forte. Are there any excercises that can help me increase my volume? I desperately need to increase it because half of the trumpets in the school band are graduating at the end of this school year. As for the second question it's just a simple yes or no question I just need reassurance on this one point. As you develop the umbeture(spelling?) your range increases, right?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: For volume, you need to push the air from your diaphram, just like you would if you were singing. Practicing will help with this a lot. Your range will increase as you develop the muscles needed. Just keep practicing and it will come.

You should probably practice over the summer to make sure that you don't lose the muscle tone and to improve on these things.

Our school only has about 6 trumpets and only 4 of us actually play. Two will be graduating this year, but I think that we're going to get about 3 good players from the middle school. Either way, the band teacher won't let me do flags next year, but I'll be getting all the solos!