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Musical or Honor Choir?

I was recently casted to play Aladdin for a local theater group's production of Aladdin (duh), but my schedule conflicts with my Honor Choir's evening rehearsals. I have to decide between the two in 12 hours.

I really would like to be in Aladdin because two months ago I auditioned for another musical with great anticipation for a lead role, but didn't make the cut. This would be my chance to show off to my friends and surprise my family. Plus, my sister loves Aladdin, and she would really love it, I know it.

But with Honor Choir, it's something I've already spent a great deal of work on, and I've already paid for half the cost of our trip to San Antonio. If I quit, all my friends would be disappointed (I don't know anybody from the cast of Aladdin except the director) along with the choir director. Honor Choir is something I could just join again next semester, but it's really a big deal to be in one of the best choirs in the state...


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Wow, you do have a tough decision. My suggestion is to stay with the Honor Choir. If you have spent precious time to work hard for your trip to San Antonio, why throw it away. Also you are part of an amazing group. According to you, this choir is the best in the state. Not that many people could get into this choir, because it is so selective. I bet in this choir, whatever vocal part you sing, there are not a lot of you. When I was in my Chamber Choir in college, there were only maximum 4 singers in each vocal part. Meaning only 4 sopranos, altos, tenors and basses.
Imagine if you were the choir director. If you had a great singer leave all of a sudden, would you really consider taking him/her back? I think leaving will make your choir believe you are not faithful to them and may not take you back next semester.
I understand that being in the lead is a great experience. If you were chosen to do both before either started, I would probably say go with the theater. As one person stated, see if you can be an understudy, and assist when the choir doesn't need you. Whatever you decide, I wish you the best.