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How do you use vibrato when playing Euphonium?

I use vibrato but my lesson teacher told me that he can barely hear it when I play! I need to know how to ues it exactly and other information of how to make it sound well!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i play euphonium also.
you move the jaw up and down, while producing a note. raising the pitch between sharp and flat. there are lots of "types" of vibratos out there and maybe yours is the one your teacher could barely hear, some people like fast vibratos that can hardly be heard. practice lip trills which is like trilling by using partials.

don't produce vibrato by pushing your horn against your face because minimal pressure is preferred
I don't suggest using your diaphram to produce vibrato, for i believe air should stay steady.

the diaphram method is common for flutists where it is the easiest way to provide it. the hole that they blow in is too small to move anything in THEIR instrument.

The greatest euphoniums in the world use lip(jaw) vibrato. see a video of steven mead on youtube, look at his jaw movements. he for some reason isnt under euphonium, so search "Steven Mead"