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Original vocalists -- how do you make your vocals?

I am an upstart singer, and my question is how do you come up with your vocals? My method so far has been to sing over my music sort of ad-libbing my words, and generally I keep most of those. I also have a lyric book that I write lyrics into, which usually are various text messages I've emailed myself over the previous weeks. And I like my lyrics, but I'm finding it hard to link the two. In other words, when I write a draft of the lyrics I ad-libbed, it's hard for me to place the words in. And trying the reverse -- singing my lyrics to come up with music -- doesn't quite work that well. So my question is, for all you original singers out there in bands, what is your method for vocals -- words and melodies? What methods do you use? What have you learned through your own experiences? Thanks!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Well, when I write songs, I usually just let the words come to me. If you come up with a tune, hum it, or write down the beats. That way, you can place the words wherever you need them. Be patient, because it's hard to come up with a song on the first try. Think about what you feel, and just pour out the words or the melody, whichever comes first.

Remember, when you feel a connection to what you're writing, it will all flow much better. Don't write about something that you don't feel, unless pretending to feel it works well.

For me, I'll just be sitting somewhere, and a melody will just seem to come out of nowhere, or I'll think of lyrics that relate to the situation around me. I seem to come up with a melody as I'm writing the lyrics.

I hope I helped.