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Position:Home>Performing Arts> My school is having a talent show and i have no clue what to sing. any suggestio


My school is having a talent show and i have no clue what to sing. any suggestions?

I can sing anything, i am a girl. im aiming for just a classic song that everybody likes; something lively and fun. i need it clean too. any suggestions would be great! thank you

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I've judged these things before- and from my experience- choose something that's very popular on the radio right now. If in your area you're listening to Beyonce, choose that, if it's some one else that is up beat- choose that. You want the kids to know it well, and you want them to clap with you. Them being excited and clapping while you sing will make your voice much stronger. Don't choose a broadway piece unless you go to a very strange school where non-music kids listen to broadway- and don't choose something that you personally think is a good, but underrated song- I see kids try this a lot- with great intentions, but they normally loose because the students are board while listening to them and it makes their song much harder. Good luck