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Its to embarressing!! =S?

I do drama at school and when I'm rehearsing with my friends
I'm fine, but when it comes to perfoming it infront of my class I get really embarressed and don't do the best I can!
Anyone have any ideas on how I can boost my confidence?

Thanks x

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: First things first: Relax, it's absolutely natural to be tense, embarrassed, nervous, etc. in front of a large group of people.

I used to act in college and for several years after being graduated; I've also directed post-graduation. Never failed that I would become petrified before a performance. But I kept remembering a few things:

1.) Rely on the character work that you've done to prepare for the role. Not just rehearsing by memorizing lines, but by actually *becoming* the character of the piece. That way, it isn't necessarily *you* out there, but your *character* in the context of the show. It takes some time, but once you can do that, you'll find that you're much more confident.

2.) Use the nervous energy you have by channeling it into the energy you want to give your performance -- perhaps vocally, or by movement or intonation.

Good luck! Keep at it; you'll be fine!