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Position:Home>Performing Arts> *Celebrities, what means this throbbing in my breast?* Honestly...?


*Celebrities, what means this throbbing in my breast?* Honestly...?

This constant search for peace and rest.
Vain world, can you appease this quest?
Do your vast mega stores supply this rest?
Glamour, riches, pride and fame!
When claimed are merely just a name!
They fail to truley satisfy!
Oh, it is my soul! It is it's cry.
Are we lost in sin?
Estranged from God the soul from within?
Have mercy, the Lord please, commence.
A voice now calls my name:
Dear Sinner, I have borne your blame.
Have I shed my blood for thee in vain?
No, surely Jesus is not a game.
To him your eternal soul, he reigns...
No water, no light, no rest?
Does hellish fire await?
Dear friend, today a loving Lord will save you from this fate.
Come humbly now, accept his grace,
before it is too late.
What talents brought have been given you for naught?
Shouldn't it be used here and abroad to glorify God?
Wouldn't eyes adore to see and ears to hear a sermon from
Al Pacino or Will Smith my dear?

Additional Details

6 months ago
Wouldn't it be awesome to hear words of the Bible cantored by RUN DMC?
Come now join God's family!
Dear Soul, are going to lose the battle between life and death?
The battle between heaven and hell?
The battle between self love and self denial, your soul and the devil?
Jesus says, " What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?" (Mark 8:36)
It is written, good works with out faith is dead... Will this blessing be met with credance or satan's interference?
With all the false religions in the way,
better ask Jesus into your heart today.

With Frankness and Massive Love,
The Golden Truth Teller

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 6 months ago
Wouldn't it be awesome to hear words of the Bible cantored by RUN DMC?
Come now join God's family!
Dear Soul, are going to lose the battle between life and death?
The battle between heaven and hell?
The battle between self love and self denial, your soul and the devil?
Jesus says, " What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?" (Mark 8:36)
It is written, good works with out faith is dead... Will this blessing be met with credance or satan's interference?
With all the false religions in the way,
better ask Jesus into your heart today.

With Frankness and Massive Love,
The Golden Truth Teller