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Is it worth it for a religious jew to pursue an acting career?

i'm a girl who's proud to be jewish, but i want to be an actress, any of you guys jewish actresses who want to help me out?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey, I'm a Jewish actress, but I'm Conservative. It sounds like you're Orthodox or at least Traditional, right? Do you wear pants, or just skirts? Do you daven multiple times each day? If so, performance opportunities are probably limited for you. Directors usually look for people that can make time commitments. I didn't make callbacks for a show because I had to miss a couple of rehearsals for Hebrew school! Also, you have to be versatile: you wear what your director wants you to wear. There are so many things that could be a concern if you are Orthodox. You couldn't sing in front of boys. You couldn't wear short sleeves. If you attend a school for religious Jews, you probably miss out on a lot of public school type things, so it would be difficult for you to portray a girl at a public school, for example. Then again, you didn't specify how religious you are, so I'm not quite sure what you could or couldn't do.

Sorry for all the negativity. I'm sure there are lots of performance opportunities out there for you, just keep looking.