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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Please help me!!! i am a musical theater student and WHENEVER I TRY TO SING, NOT


Please help me!!! i am a musical theater student and WHENEVER I TRY TO SING, NOTHING COMES OUT!! i need help?

please help me.... i can talk, but i can't sing... nothing comes out when i try, and it hurts sooo bad... i've had a sore throat for over 3 months now, and a stuffy runny nose as well, and my mom won't take me to the doctors to get it checked out ever though our insurance will cover it :'( i just don't know what to do... i'm like having a meltdown right now... singing is my life, and if i can't sing, i might as well call it quits and kill myself... please help meeeeeee!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You need to go see a doctor. Any ailment that lasts for 3 months is very serious. You won't get better until you get some antibiotics. Take yourself to the doctor if your mom won't.