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Need help with acting schools in London?

Need help with some acting schools in London?
HEllo i need help, on summer im going to London to take some courses on acting the problem is that i have never been in that city! I have 3 options of schools and the adreeses.. Can someone recommend me the best option also on location please!
The first one is London Academy of MUsic and Drama which is in Barons Court, talgarth road, second one Central School of Speech and Drama is in embassy theatre, Eton avenue, swiss cottage and the last one is The Arts Educational School IN Bath ROAD, Chiswick

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: L.A.M.D.A. and Central are both extremely well known and top schools. L.A.M.D.A have been running their own external exam. system for years, and if you can work up through their exams you can gain a teaching Qualification.
I don't know as much about central: they were once reputed as the best "modern" school, but that was 20 years ago, so they are more established now.

Check out their sites, and check out which "tutors" will be running the courses.

Break a leg....

M : )