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How do I learn to sing higher?

Okay, I'm a theatre major and have been performing for a long time now. I've done numerous musicals and gotten leads, but I feel I'll never get cast in those "pretty parts" because I have a very deep voice. I've been told numerous times that my voice doesnt match my look. I'm ver petite and slender but my voice is very low and has a jazzy sound to it. I can comfortably sing an E above middle C but anything beyond that is really weak. I've heard many people tell me to use my "head voice" but I dont understand it. I hear women belt out really high notes and I just cant do it! How can I get there? Is it even possible?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Here is the problem, you are singing in your Raw Chest Voice or what people like to call belting. That's fine if you are a Soprano singing broadway; however, if you are truly a mezzo or alas a contralto you have no where to go. There are 4 areas in the human voice, Raw Chest, Chest, Head Voice and Whistle tones. The term passagio is used to discribe the change in registers. A mastery of the passagio is necessary for obtaining a full two octaves of vocal range that can be heard in a theatre. There is a difference between being heard and being able to phonate a pitch. Being heard is what determines range.

I suggest that you visit the website and find a good voice teacher that can help you with your voice....

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