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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I was once like everyone of you...then I found out half of my hearing was gone..


I was once like everyone of you...then I found out half of my hearing was gone...?

I am 19 years old.

I have trained in opera since I was 12. and stopped last year when all 7 of the schools I applied to turned me down and said "something sounded wrong".

I went and got my vocal chords checked and my hearing... chords were fine. my hearing is 52% gone. and irreplacable due to a dead nerve in both ears. No one knows what happened. I got hearing aids and went to my backup college as a political science major. I am doing very well with a 3.75 gpa but I feel like a part of me is dead. Opera is no more. I cant bring myself to sing at all. And when I do sing it is all my belty songs (I am a very good belter and should have considered musical theater when I wad auditioning) A part of me died. I dreamt my whole life of being in music, and now its impossible. my dreams were gone no school or company would ever take a person with hearing aids.. its "unjust" as the lady who auditioned me at julliard told me.... where do i go from here....?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It's not even close to impossible! If you get hearing aids, you might find that you sound BETTER once you can hear yourself. A lot of people I know in radio have the exact same problem. I myself use headphones with volume controls for each ear due to a problem with my right ear.

Why would they honestly be that prejudiced if the hearing aids HELP? The new ones don't interfere with any other audio equipment, and they're very responsive to the frequencies and amplitude used in opera. Sounds like the world of opera may be more ignorant and discriminatory than I thought. I also question whether that sort of treatment is legal.