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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What are some some easy devil/pixie/flower stick tricks?


What are some some easy devil/pixie/flower stick tricks?

web sites or explanations will be fine i only know 2

1.put the main stick verical holding it up w/ the control sticks then quickly tap the main stick alternatly to raise it up in the air


2. hold the control sticks out in front of you with the main one across between them, fliuck one to make the main flip up into the air then you catch them again

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It sounds like you can already do the basic pattern of passing the main stick back and forth between the two control sticks.

Now, as the main stick is coming towards your right control stick, hit the main stick below the half way point. The main stick will twirl once or twice around the right control stick. Try to catch the main stick above the center point to stop its spin, and continue on as before.

Also, instead of simply passing the main stick back and forth, get the main stick to to a half flip when passing it from right to left (or left to right).