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How do I make my singing voice stronger?

Would this help? I start at low C and I go up as high as I can to a middle F, while trying to match the pitch. And I do that 123 thing (CEG, DFA,EGB). I practice for about 20 minutes. Is that enough? Will it make me have a stronger voiee or are there other exercises? I would ask my vocal teacher but she is out for all of January and Febuary.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Your vocal cords are actually two strands of muscle and tendon that vibrate as air passes through to make sound. So, because you're dealing with muscle, just like any other muscle, if you want to get stronger you have to "work-out" thoroughly. To answer your question, "Is that enough?", no it's not enough. What you're doing is about the eqivalent of someone going to the gym, doing bench press for 20 minutes and hoping to get a good full body workout. You need to incorporate more exercises to get stronger and improve agility, just like an athlete. Your voice teacher should be able to help you learn more exercises. Hopefully you haven't been studying with him/her very long, thus the reason you don't know many yet. To answer your other two questions, "Will it make me have a stronger voice/other exercises?", there's not enough space here to cover even the basics on how to increase strength. Again, rely on your teacher to help you there. But also consider that your age plays an important factor. It's a process, and you will get better and stronger with time and lots of practice. There are tons of exercises, but again, ask your teacher. I hesitate to even suggest any because I would want to hear your voice and ability before I recommended some. Stick with what you have for now, and be patient with your teacher. However, I do encourage you to insist that he/she teach you more than one exercise asap, otherwise you might consider taking lessons from someone else.