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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Singers only please.(Not Rock) What type of music do you like to sing, and why?


Singers only please.(Not Rock) What type of music do you like to sing, and why?

Lyrics, melodies, etc. Be as specific as possible please. Is there any type of thing you'd like, that you haven't found? Thank you.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It depends on who I'm singing with:

With my female best friend: Whatever we've heard lately. Usually it ends up being an odd mix of "RENT," "Wicked," and random pop/rock/alternative songs.

With my male best friend: Anything, anything at all. We know basically all the same songs, and we'll sing whatever comes to mind. We love singing Broadway together (because we both love it, and there's lots of male/female duets), and we sing "RENT" all the time especially (because it's both of our favorite Broadway musical).

With my bubbly sweetie friend: High School Musical. :)

With my other friends: Usually non-Broadway; Evanescence and Coldplay especially, for some reason.

With my choir: Whatever the director picks. He has very good choice in music.

By myself: Whatever is currently playing on the radio station in the back of my mind. Anything listed above, Fall Out Boy, Panic! at the Disco, R.E.M., Everclear, random Disney and Broadway shows, Gershwin, other oldies/jazz.... I'm really, REALLY eclectic in what I sing.

I like to sing anything that makes me happy, in short. :)

One of my favorite non-Broadway songs is "Nightswimming" by R.E.M. One of my favorite Broadway songs is... well, anything from "RENT." And "Defying Gravity" from "Wicked."

WOW, that was long... :)