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Jobs for a violinist?

What sort of job could an 8th grade violinist get??
8th grade as in according to the Trinity or Royal Schools exams

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Although you don't usually get paid, a good place to start is at nursing homes. Me and my buddies go to different retirement homes and play for the elderly, and sometimes they offer to pay us. It's a great place to play because the people there really appreciate the music, and don't care (or can't tell!) if we make mistakes.

If you really want to sound good and get gigs, you should have some sort of group - a piano or guitar would really help, and a couple more violins makes the overall sound much better. Talk to your private teacher or orchestra teacher to see if they can help you get a group going, and find places for you to play at.

Here's a list of places to try your hand at performing:

Retirement homes
Church events
County Fairs
Downtown areas (sit your case out for money)
Talent Shows
Starbucks (my favorite - they don't pay you but you do get a free drink!)

Good luck!