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Position:Home>Performing Arts> When you sing in whistle register.....?


When you sing in whistle register.....?

do u have to breath outward like you're actually singing? or can you inhale the note and make it come out while breathing in? does that count as singing......???

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Based from my experience in Center for Pop Music Philippines, when you sing, you use the technique of INHALE-HOLD-SING... And when you're reaching high notes, you use your stress and your body to let it out... But you must get your voice from the diaphram.... Actually there are levels right? First is the lower diaphram, then upper diaphram, next is chest, throat, head, falscetto, then whistle... Whistle is gifted to those who can do it... Of course you still should use inhale hold sing.... Don't cut your breath because your voice will be choppy.. You should learn to control your breathing... I hope it can help you...