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How do I learn to belly breathe?

I have no problems belly breathing when I am on my back in bed, or when I am somewhat hunched over. However, I can't belly breathe when I stand up straight. When I stand up straight and try to belly breathe, I intake less air than I can when I chest breathe. Is this something that will "fix" itself with practice (standing up)?

Do most athletes and wind instrument players use belly breathing?

If belly breathing is so great, then why don't most people know how to do it? Actually, why don't the people who do know how to belly breathe, use belly breathing all the time, and just forget chest breathing?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Most people breathe through their chests out of habit, and social pressures (especially on women), however the correct way to breathe is from the diaphragm (or as you say "belly breathing") especially for performing arts.
The best way for this to become a natural way to breathe is with practice and a good vocal training. When I studied acting we did voice classes everyday and I still keep it up now, so maybe you could investigate that route. Also read "The right to speak" by Patsy Rodenburg as she gives many helpful exercises in order to achieve this.
It is an important skill to have in performance as it is only by breathing correctly that you can find your true voice and let your emotions out freely. It also allows you to take in much more air, and with practice you will expand your capacity.
Don't think of it so much as breathing into your "belly". Your entire rib cage should expand outwards from the front back and sides.
Anyway, you should definitely read the book I recommend as it will give you all the advice you need.