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I have singing problems , can you help me ?

hey guy i need i little bit of help ... my prob.. is that i have a lovely voice every body tells me that...and i love to sing but i get my voice a little bit freaky can any body tell me some vocal exercises or what ever you think i may need to sing beautyfuly and can somebody tell me how can i loose fear of performing in stage in fron of people

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What I do is I warm up mid-range first. Don't sing to your highest, and don't sing to your lowest.

Maybe try some scales to expand either size after doing a mid-range exercise to warm up your highs and lows. Make sure you are breathing properly, make sure you are singing from your diaphragm.

As for the stage fright thing, if you can't see the audience its easier, convince yourself you are singing to an empty room, but if you can see them, look above their heads, that way you don't make eyecontact and it looks like you are looking at them.

Take a deep breath and just sing, :)