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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What's a good way to incorporate more emotion in to my piano playing?


What's a good way to incorporate more emotion in to my piano playing?

I can tell that I play too stiffly but I'm very, very technically minded and not that emotional anyway. Not to mention I'm still playing pieces out of books with themed characters, so it's not like I have very emotional pieces anyway.

I don't know if this is really a question that can be answered. Saying, "Just get in to it" or something to that effect is completely useless. I know it gets you two points but please hold back.

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5 months ago
By themed characters I mean I'm almost fifteen years old and my books are based around 'Party Cat and Spike in Music City," which really doesn't help. I know it shouldn't bother me but it does.

I'm starting to get the feeling that I've got some emotion in there, and good instincts, but I'm too reserved to let it out. Also, I can improvise -and apparently am pretty good, and have good instincts- but I just feel like a dumbass.

I took piano lessons for a couple years with a terrible teacher who made it all about pressure to memorize the written notes. I remember wanting to spend time getting emotion in then, but all the teacher wanted me to do was regurgitate the sheet music. Now, five years later, I'm working with my new teacher on loosening up and just having fun. Problem is I'm working myself in to a self-perpetuating cycle of impossibility since I really don't care about pieces with names like "The Clockwork Ballerina" but I have to so I can move on to anything decent.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 5 months ago
By themed characters I mean I'm almost fifteen years old and my books are based around 'Party Cat and Spike in Music City," which really doesn't help. I know it shouldn't bother me but it does.

I'm starting to get the feeling that I've got some emotion in there, and good instincts, but I'm too reserved to let it out. Also, I can improvise -and apparently am pretty good, and have good instincts- but I just feel like a dumbass.

I took piano lessons for a couple years with a terrible teacher who made it all about pressure to memorize the written notes. I remember wanting to spend time getting emotion in then, but all the teacher wanted me to do was regurgitate the sheet music. Now, five years later, I'm working with my new teacher on loosening up and just having fun. Problem is I'm working myself in to a self-perpetuating cycle of impossibility since I really don't care about pieces with names like "The Clockwork Ballerina" but I have to so I can move on to anything decent.