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Easiest instrument to play?Hardest?

Many will say clarinet,but I disagree.Clarinets squeak ALOT if you arent doing something right.Their not the safest thing either.If your playing the clarinet and someone comes by and hits your bell,I'd say it could easily knock some teeth out.Maybe not,but I know from experience,it HURTS!!!So what do you all think the easiest thing to play is?What about hardest?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: There are no easy instruments. There are several hardest.

The piano is extremely difficult because you have to be the performer, the conductor, the soloist, and the accompanist all rolled into one. You have six hundred different lines to keep track and follow and hear and play, while still keeping the shape of the lne of the melody.

The violin is difficult for many reasons.

The amount of air support required for the oboe makes it exceedingly difficult, and getting a good tone.

Yet the french horn is difficult because they have to use their ears alot more than the rest of us. They can't just press one sequence of keys and except to be somewere in the vacinity of the pitch they are trying to play.