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What's easiest to play?

The acoustic guitar, the electric, the acoustic electric, or the bass guitar (4-6 string)? Also, which requires the most expensive equipment? THANKS!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Ok I play all of the above so I will give you my answer.

Just to learn the basics.

Technically, and musically the bass is the easiest of the three.
Keep in mind it's not as easy to sing and play the bass for your friends, unless you have others that play.

Electric guitars that are set up well are easy to learn on and won't hurt your fingers as bad. And you can rock out with it using distortion and etc.

I like to teach my students on acoustic no extra equip needed, other than pics,strap, and tuner, but I feel if they can learn on an acoustic they'll be able to shred on an electric.
Plus you don't need to plug in amps etc. you got instant sound wherever you are. But a get set-up of the neck/and strings is essential too.

Bottom line bass is easiest to learn!