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HELP Me...i have no voice...?

ok, i have solo and ensamble contest on staurday and i have no voice, my troat is soo sore and it hurts to talk let alone sing...does anyone know anything that i can do?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: A couple years ago, I lost my voice four days before All-State auditions. This is what I did to get my voice back (I wasn't perfect after four days of rest, but I auditioned well enough and made it to the next round.)

Stop talking. Do not talk. Do not sing. Do not practice your song. Carry a notepad and pen around to "talk" to people. Warm-up lightly once every afternoon to keep your vocal chords loose and to see the improvement your voice is making as it recovers. But do this for no more than 15 minutes tops, then back to no speaking. At all.

Drink TONS of water. No liquid actually touches your vocal chords as you swallow (you'd choke if it did, since your vocal chords are in your windpipe, headed down to the lungs), but by drinking lots and lots of water your body becomes well hydrated as a whole, and thus so do your vocal chords. I drank about a galloon of water a day in those four days of recouperating. In choir we used to say if you aren't peeing clear every half-hour, you're not drinking enough water. Just make sure to keep eating light snacks throughout the day, too, or that much water could throw off your electrolytes and then you're in real trouble.

Decaf tea with honey is great, as is Theraflu. So soothing...

If your voice is gone because you are or were sick, find some cough drops with vitamin C, zinc, and/or echinecea. If your voice is gone just from overuse, just get the vitamin C ones.

Get enough sleep. Your body needs time to heal itself, and resting helps speed that process.

At night, boil a pot of water and then wait a couple minutes for the steam to go from scalding to warm (you should be comfortable putting your face in the steam). Take a towel and hang your head over the pot, inhaling the steam to get heat directly on your vocal chords. With the towel over your head it will keep more of the steam around your face instead of escaping into the air.

Break a leg! Rest and drink water!!