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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I have an audition tomorrow but I have a sore throat, any quick fix?


I have an audition tomorrow but I have a sore throat, any quick fix?

I think my sore throat is on its way out, but just in case, is there any quick fix? My audition is in the evening, and it involves testing my range so I don't want to my range to be affected by a sore throat.

Is there any tea, cough drop, or anything else you would recommend?

Thank you!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I've sung in bands for over 20 years and have found gargling helps. A copal of tea spoons of salt in a cup of warm water every hour for 3 or 4 times toughens you up. Then a couple sprays of Chloraseptic, the green sour throat spray you can get over the counter will numb it enough to get through your audition. I've used that spray at the end of a gig. It's gotten me through the night. It's menthol and has given me good relief. Good luck, hope it goes well.