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I get nervous when on stage...?

i have to go on stage in a few days and the thing that makes me most nervous is the silence of the room when im ready to start,i get really nervous when theres a silence and i need a bit of help. any ideas?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: when i had to speak in public, i would get so nervous i could feel my face getting red. i took drama, and acting classes just to get over my fear of public speaking. it helped a lot and, by using breathing techniques and imagery, i was able to give public speeches without turning into a tomato. one of the tricks is to control your breathing. don't hyperventilate or anything, but take a few nice long inhales through your nose and exhale out of your mouth. having a mantra can help too. in your head, repeating something as simple as "i can do this" can help calm your nerves and avert your attention from the nervousness you feel. also, once on the stage try not make eyecontact. look out and above the audience, and speak clearly to the back of the room. i hope that one of thses will work for you, and good luck with your performance.