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What do you want to see.......?

I am a professional magician who does stage and street magic (just like david blaine, criss angle, and copperfield) and trying to create some new magic...I want your help.
What would be some AMAZING, IMPOSSIBLE things that you would love to see before your very eyes.
Something creative and I detailed.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: whoa. good luck, man.
those guys are really impressive at what they do.
i can't say how detailed or creative this is, but i'd like to see someone (anyone) who can do their tricks on the street FOR REAL. it's common knowledge that the audience is ALWAYS in on the illusion for those 'on the street' performances. if you can do any of their tricks without a preselected group of 'average people on the street', you'll have them beat for sure.