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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Has anybody ever performed in Fine Arts with the Assemblies of God churches ? i


Has anybody ever performed in Fine Arts with the Assemblies of God churches ? i need some advice.?

what category did you compete in? my youth group is thinking about doing an instumental ensamble or christian band, large human video group, large drama group, interpretive dance group, and my brother and i want to do a garbage can band thingy. could you give me some advice, i'm gonna be participating in all of the above and get sort of nervous aroung crowds. any kind of info would be great. thanks.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: As with any performance venue, fit your performance to the audience. Obviously, you wouldn't have Ozzie Osbourne performing in such a Church, and y ou also wouldn't have a Church Choir as an opening act for Black Sabbath. Even CREED would be questionable considering the venue. Creed may work for a large group of followers in an outdoor stadium, but grandma doens't want to see them perform in her church. Make sense?

A garbage band is a good idea if you fit that personna, and so long as your performance fits the venue.

I've seen a lot of young people put together some really good comedy groups or dramatic presentations for churches that were both 'clean' (fit for the church) and well done. Dance works well in this venue so long as you have the room to do what you want.

Good luck.