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What is needed to write a song?

For a project, I will be writing a series of songs for piano, vocal, guitar, and bass. ihave never done it before. What are some basics that I need to know in order to complete this product with ease and still have a good finnished product?
thankyou for your help
God bless you

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: set clear on the concept of each clear on what the message of each song will be...what is it that you want to tell people? how long do you want each song to be? do you want people to feel good when they hear the song? or do you want them to feel sad?

once you answer these kinds of questions, then you will know more and be closer to achieving the goal. writing songs.

as far as technique goes, multi tracking a basic demo with you playing all the parts (piano, vocals, bass, and guitar) would be my recommendation. this way, all the parts are there, finished and ready to be learned by the ensemble...or notated by them, or you could notate everything for them as well as providing them with a basic demo.

writing songs takes great concentration. it is a very thoughtful process.

try and find an online rhyming dictionary for lyrics.

try and have fun.

good luck