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Confidence to sing?

When I'm by myself, i can sing my heart out and have a great time- but when im with people, i get shy and freeze up. I've only sung once infrount of people and it was terrible because i felt so embarrassed. how can i gain the confidence i need to sing infrount of people without being shy?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Well, first, you have to let go of trying to make sure that people will only say "excellent" when you sing. People will judge you from "terrible" to "brilliant" depending on their background. I think you freeze up because you are so focused on "doing it right" so that others won't think you're a bozo. Hang on, I had the same problem...until I began to focus and feel what I was singing. It came out naturally and boy, they enjoy listening to me now. :)

One thing that could help though is if you join a choir. It helps develop onstage confidence and also takes a load off because not everyone else is focused on you like a disaster waiting to happen or something.

Oh, and you can also try auditioning for American Idol. ;)