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What do you think of the "Ten tenors"?

I saw their DVD ( Larger than life) it was funny specially when they started dancing. What do you think of their voices? are they talented?
Please opera singers, teachers or somebody that understands vocal technique can answer my question.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: First, none of the members have star appeal to me.
Check out their pictures at:

A lot of the high notes are strained and sounded flat.

You are right about them being funny.
Funny is the best rating I can give.
Being funny, doing acrobatic moves will help them to sell tons of tickets and fill up the seats.
I am not impressed with their dancing.
They don't look like trained dancers.

It doesn't matter whether they are good or not. In the right hands of an agent, with the right package, they can have sold out performances.

If you are into tenor ensemble group singing,
Il Divo is much better for you to listen to.