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How do you set up a theatre company?

i finish my last year of theatre schooling this year and i want to be a theatre producer/director of my own company

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You are going to be in for lots and lots of work! You will need good sources of funding. It will very difficult, if not impossible, for you to do it without lots of help. You might first want to see what fledgling theatre companies actually exist now in your area. You won't be able to do everything, and if you find a young company that needs the skills you have, you'll save yourself lots of time, energy and possible heartache. Also, take a look at these guides. They are great places to begin:

[These are mainly US sources, but even if your company will be in the UK, the advice will still be valuable.]

[The source above gets off to a confusing start, but it has great practical advice. Scan the whole article before you make up you mind.]