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What are some ways to make me a better singer??

i have an adution in like 2 days and i am a little concerned about my voice.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Preparation is the key. Know you music from the inside out. The more you know your music, the less nervous you'll be when you perform. Also, try performing the audition in front of others: anyone, friends, family, teachers. Try and create the exact audition atmosphere: How will you introduce the piece you are singing? Are they going to ask you for another one? What type of stage are you singing in? How many people are you singing for? In 2 days time, this is the ONLY thing you should be worrying about as far as being a better singer. You cannot worry about how you sound: there are no quick fixes in singing. It all is a culmination of you preparation through the last few months. Any technical changes take usually about 2 weeks to enter into your subconsience. Just get out there and remember why you are doing the audition: because you love to sing(hopefully)!