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Where can i get violin notes?

my brother wants to learn how to play violin but he doesn't know the notes can you help him?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The lowest string (leftmost) is a G. If you have a piano, it's the G three notes under middle C. The next string tunes to a D, the next to an A, and the highest to an E.

To make other notes, you put your fingers down on the strings, starting at the top of the fingerboard (near where the strings are wound). One finger on the G is an A, two fingers is a B, three is a C, and four is a D - should be the same D as the next string. And so on for the other strings.

Try getting a basic book to start out with, and if you can't tell whether or not you're in tune, get a cheap keyboard to play along with. I recommend Essential Strings Book 1 for the basics.