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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Whos loves kareoke that much that they dont need to have a few drinks to sing?


Whos loves kareoke that much that they dont need to have a few drinks to sing?

l love kareoke have been doing it for 6 yrs and 7 Months and love nothing better than getting up and having a good old sing song, whether ive been drinking or not, probably because ive been doing it for so long that i dont need to have had a few drinks to do it....

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: LOve Karaoke. I drag my friedns down to bars just cause i know they're doing karaoke that night. Hardly need a drink to get up.
Have been entered into competitions, & won before, twice. Turned up at one bar, sang, & was told I was in the final. Didn't even realise there was a competition. Turned up on the night of the final, sang again. won a ⣳00 holiday.

My favourite songs to do are; Everybody (needs somebosy to love)-Blues Brothers, Somebody to love -Queen or the Jefferson Airplane one (both have the saem title, but 2 very different songs. weird), Mustang Sally- Wilson Pickett, & Sweet Transvestite- Rocky Horror. They're my favourite, but i'll sing whatever really.
I'm a karaoke whore.