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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Why do some people have the ability to sing and others don't?


Why do some people have the ability to sing and others don't?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Why do some people have bigger noses than others? Or why are some taller? Mostly it's a combination of genes and environment, but those two influences alone give us our physical shape. The vocal chords and inner ear are no exception. Each person has their own unique shape to the chords and throat, so they produce equally unique sounds. Some just aren't acoustically favorable. The same might be said for the inner ear and it's ability to sense different frequencies of sound. If your ears can't sense the subtle difference in sound wave frequencies, then you will have a very difficult time reproducing said sound. In the end, some people will never be able to sing because of their shape while others, with a fair amount of practice, will be able to conform the shape of their chords, throat, and lungs to the optimal singing form.