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How do I stop holding back???

I'm auditioning for the local production of High School Musical, but lately I can't get my voice to agree with me. My mom says that my problem is holding back, but i'm not sure what my problem is ...
I have no clue whatsoever as to how to stop holding back, I know i can do this, I just can't stop holding back!!!!!PLEASE HELP MEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Maybe you're not holding back - maybe the song you're trying to sing isn't comfortable for your voice.

First I would suggest you try singing a few different songs to your mum and see if she rates them differently.

I am guessing that you have picked a song FROM "High School Musical" to sing at your audition. Right? Unless the directors have specifically asked for this I would NOT recommend doing this as they will then listen to your audition performance and judge whether or not it is good enough for their show.

In an audition your only job is to show them what a great voice you have. Once you have the part you can then spend the rehearsal period learning to sing the songs from the show really well (and be relaxed about singing them cause you already have the part!) You certainly won't HOLD BACK once you are on stage playing the lead will you - so let's focus on getting past the audition.

Choose a song that your voice enjoys singing - something similar in style to the songs in the show but a song you can really 'let rip' with. (I'm sure you can find one!)

Then focus on enjoying the performance. Auditions can be stressful, and even practicing with your mum can be stressful (!), but you need to relax enough to let your vocal chords do their thing.

Start by taking some alone time looking into a mirror and relaxing your mouth. Make lots of big shapes and move your face around by opening and shaping your mouth. First do this wihtout any sound coming out of your mouth and then slowly add an OO or an AHH sound as you continue to just relax your jaw and your vocal chords.

DO this for a few minutes and when you finish look yourself right in the eyes and say - "I Sing GREAT. I deserve this part. Here's My Song!" Then step away form the mirror and launch into your audition number - watching yourself perform.

Do this a few times wihtout your Mum in the room.

Once you feel that you are starting to 'let go' of any inhibitions then invite your Mum for a 'performance'

Remember - the key to a great audition is not only the talent you have but having material that shows it off. Be CERTAIN that you have a song to sing that you know well, love to sing and that fits your vocal range.

You sound like you you have a lot of talent and determination. I wish you all the best.

Check out the link below for more great How To Audition Tips for Singing Auditions