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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Anybody know any great 7 min monolouge from a movie?


Anybody know any great 7 min monolouge from a movie?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 7 minute monologues are likely to be pretty rare.
Hamlet - To be or not to be...
Captain Queeg - The Kane Mutiny
Citizen Kane - (Ironically enough)
Colossus the computer from The Forbin Project
Captain Quint - Jaws - "800 sailors in , 316 out...
Apocolypse now - Lt. Col Killgore or Col. Kurtz.
Pulp fiction probably comes close with the "Your dad gave me this watch..."
Evil's (David Warner) - from Time Bandits "...Slugs!...They can't speak...They can't hear...They can't operate machinery...."
Pretty much the first 1/2 of Full Metal Jacket with Gunnery Sgt. Hartman
Wall Street - Gordon Gecko
Kaizer Suze - The Usual Suspects
Good will hunting...possibly
Hannibal Lechter - from Silence of the Lambs it's not 7minutes but it's good "...So good nutrition's given you some..."
A few Good Men - Jack Nicholson at his best
Red - From Shawshank Redemption
I'm not sure if this counts but Smeagol/Golum from LOTR