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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Now that I have written a screenplay, how do I get someone to read it?


Now that I have written a screenplay, how do I get someone to read it?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You generally need some credentials.

You can call up a few production companies located off studio lots and ask if you can pitch the story.

Most will not read without a short verbal pitch.

My television commercial partners crashed the gates at Filmways and caught a VP off guard who was holding her ears going "I don't want to hear it" and the pitched it anyway:

Long haired hippie magazine in the vein of National Lampoon gets bought up by Time-Life, suits and sandels have to learn how to work togther.

The Filmsways Veep took the fingers out of her ears and aske them to sit down and discuss it further, cause she liked the concept of cultural clash.

They bought the rights, however the script was assigned to the Emmy winners who were senior producers on Welcome Back Kotter.

It went to Pilot with Desi Anraz Jr in the lead for NBC, but didn't get picked up.

After they they got all sorts of pitch sessions at every studio, but never sold another thing.