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What key should an alto sing the National Anthem in?

Bottom ALTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can only sing up to the C above middle C and can go pretty low for a 15 year old girl. Professional help wanted.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Well the average key for the national anthem is B flat- which gets up to a high F or the key of A flat- which gets up to a high E flat. If you want your highest note to be C, then you'll need to sing it in the Key of F.

The way you would start this is to start on middle C, (Oh) down to A (-Oh) to the low F (say). -That F will be pretty low, but if you want your high note to be C above middle C, that's what it will take.

By the way, the Key of F has one flat (B flat) all other notes are natural.