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15yrs Old w/ a Kiddy Voice. Will I grow out of it?

I'm fifteen and I have an okay voice, it's just that when I speak or sing my voice sounds quite immature. I've noticed this myself and have recieved comments about it. Will I grow out of it? If I can't, how can I change it? If I can, when will this happen?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I was always shorter for my age and quite inmature. Now I am of a normal height and (bad) baritone voice. I just happen to go physically slower than the others.
Anyway, if your voice keeps that way there is nothing wrong with it. Each voice is different and yours just happens to be like that.
I know that this is hard to believe, but 15 is a very bad age. Everything seems to us to be wrong, but I can assure you that you are perfectly normal and you will see it this way in ten years time.
I a matter of maduration, but not only of the voice. Cheer up.