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Any ideas for a comedy monologue??

i have to do a comedy monologue where i wouold have to be a dumb, stupid, worthless, superhero who screws up in everything he does.. i couldn't think of any good way to make my classmates laugh.. im afraid they would think it's too corny.. know any good punchlines or something? and also.. know any good ending? i'm thinking of ending it somthing like a doctor approaches him and it turns out that the superhero was some madman who escaped from an asylum and the doctor drags him out of the scene.. is that okay? also, the monologue should last for 5mins maximum so i cant put in so much to it.. any good ideas on what the flow of the story could be? thanks y'all.. ^_^

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: well, i was thinking you could do something from the show "Who's Line is it Anyway". if you watch some of the episodes, they have some hillarious skits. hope that helped :)