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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Would it look wierd if a rock band had a guitarist that wore a headset mic?


Would it look wierd if a rock band had a guitarist that wore a headset mic?

i'm in a rock band and i need some advice. would it look wierd for a guitarist to wear a wireless headset mic?
i play guitar, keyboards, and sing... so it's really stressful on stage sometimes.
alotta boybands like backstreet boys and such wear them, but so do some country singers too. i just don't want to look like an idiot on stage. but it would make life alot easier.
please give me some advice.
thanks alot.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: As long as you're not wearing some huge headset, it shouldn't be a problem. Boy bands look stupid because they aren't real musicians. If you're talented, it shouldn't matter what you're wearing.