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Pianist branching into guitar...should I go left-handed (pinched nerve inhibits my left side)?

Everytime I've picked up a guitar, I've picked it up "the wrong way". I've played piano since before I could write my own name, but now I'd like to branch out into the guitar and want to know the pros and cons to how I should learn. Obviously, as a pianist I'm used to dominating with my right hand and also have a pinched nerve on my left side so I'm even more inclined to prefer my right hand.

Should I string it differently or play it upside down (I have a guitar that I'm willing to re-string)? I have 10 lessons bought as a gift for me for Christmas with ANY teacher and I'm sure I could learn one way and transer my knowledge to the other side, but I want to learn it with my "strong hand" on the frets. Any insight?

Additional Details

5 months ago
More insight other than "what feels right for me"? Any experience? Is it difficult to find a teacher? Again: do I string it upside down or just play backwards?

5 months ago
Another added detail: I can work with my left hand, but it's only noticable to me that my left hand isn't as strong.

My purposes for learning are to write music more effectively for more genres.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 5 months ago
More insight other than "what feels right for me"? Any experience? Is it difficult to find a teacher? Again: do I string it upside down or just play backwards?